Firefighting is our job; fire prevention is every body's job.

Fire Safety

Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors save lives. Every home should have smoke detectors to alert you if there is a fire. Make sure you test your smoke detector every 6 months and replace them every 10 years.

Fire Escape Plan

Do you and your family know what to do or where to meet if there is a fire in your home?

Having an escape plan in place can be life saving in the event of a fire. Make sure that everyone in your household knows the plan and practice the plan together.

Fire Extinguishers

When used properly, a fire extinguisher can stop a fire from spreading and can save lives. Every home should have a fire extinguisher available for use in an emergency. Remember that even if you put a fire out with an extinguisher you should still call 911 to have the fire department respond.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning can be fatal. CO is an odorless gas produced by fuel-burning products including gas stoves, furnaces, water heaters, generators and engine-driven tools. CO detectors save lives because they alert you when there is CO in your home that would otherwise go undetected.

Kitchen Fire Safety

Kitchen fires are the number one cause of house fires in the US. The majority of kitchen fires are due to negligence and are completely preventable. By following these simple tips you can prevent a kitchen fire that could cause you to lose your home.

BBQ Pit Safety

Everyone loves a south Texas BBQ and we don't want any to turn into a tragedy. BBQ pits use open flame which can easily start a fire or burn someone. Please be mindful when using a BBQ pit for cooking and follow these safety tips so you can enjoy your BBQ safely.